It is indicated to facilitate the repair process in case of:


  • Cervicitis due to infectious causes : Papilloma Virus, Chlamidia, Gonorrea,Trichomoniasis, Bacterial Vaginosis.


  • Cervicitis due to: trauma (childbirth, sexual intercourse), gynecological procedures, foreign bodies (barrier contraception devices), chemicals (contraceptive creams) and allergens(latex)

A deep application (5 puffs) into the vagina for 20 days with the help of the practical dispenser. The treatment can also be repeated monthly, quarterly or half-yearly, according to the indication of the gynaecologist.

The most common cervicitis risk factors are:

  • viral or bacterial infection
  • iatrogenic trauma
Aqueous solution of betaglucan (extracted from the Saccaromyces yeast) carboxymethylated to have a greater moisturizing and regenerative action on tissue cells; it stimulates healing.
Curcumin, a yellow pigment from the longa linn turmeric root is a natural economic component derived from Southeast Asia spiced turmeric. Clinical studies have shown that the administration of Curcumin is safe and well tolerated, without significant toxicity and with an acceptable level of chemistry blood. Animal model studies have shown that it has potent antiviral and anticancer properties being able to block the cytological transformation of HPV-infected cervical cells.
Sono due polifenoli. Il resveratrolo è un componente importante delle uve, noto per le sue proprietà antiossidanti, antinfiammatorie e antitumorali: studi hanno anche dimostrato che il resveratrolo funziona in sinergia con la curcumina contro le cellule tumorali. Il Tè verde, ed in particolare il suo componente noto come epicatechina gallato, possiede tossicità verso una vasta gamma di cellule tumorali.
They are two polyphenols. Resveratrol is an important component of the grapes, known for its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties: studies have also shown that resveratrol works in synergy with curcumin against cancer cells. Green tea, and in particular its component known as epicatechin gallate, has toxicity towards a wide range of cancer cells.

Cervicitis is an inflammatory process that affects the cervix and if it is able to propagate in ascending way into the female genital tract, it can cause endometritis and inflammatory pelvic disease. The features may be vaginal discharge, burning, dyspaneuria, vaginal bleeding and cervical erythema.

Since the diagnosis can often be delayed, presenting itself in a non-specific way, the main danger of cervicitis can be the consequences due to the chronicity of such condition. In fact, the cervix performs as a barrier, defending the uterus against pathogens microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses; an inflamed or infected cervix has the effect of reduction of the effectiveness of this mechanism, predisposing the woman to a greater susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV. One of the main risk factors for both benign and malignant cervical pathology is the papilloma virus (HPV), capable of causing precancerous lesions that can be diagnosed during the gynecological examination with the aid of screening tests (PAP smear HPV Dna test), colposcopy and biopsy.

AP16 spray is a vaginal gel based on Carboxymethylbetaglucan, Turmeric, Resveratrol and Green Tea that thanks to its formulation, creates a protective and soothing film on the inflamed and damaged genital mucous membrane. AP16 spray is ideal to protect the cervical and vaginal mucosa and assists the reparative process during infectious or traumatic phlogistic processes. AP16 spray contains a unique blend of principles with proven anticancer properties and therefore it is an effective therapeutic agent in patients with cytological alterations of low degree due to HPV infection.

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  4. Unique synergistic formulation of curcumin, epicatechin gallate and resveratrol, tricurin, suppresses HPV E6, eliminates HPV+ cancer cells, and inhibits tumor progression. Mukherjee S, Debata PR, Hussaini R, Chatterjee K, Baidoo JNE, Sampat S, Szerszen A, Navarra JP, Fata J, Severinova E, Banerjee P, Castellanos MR. Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 29;8(37):60904-60916. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.16648. eCollection 2017 Sep 22.