Origin woman


This product is indicated to support fertility.
Origin Woman is a medical device aiming at supporting natural fertility and improving sperm motility. Thus, it protects the sperm from the vaginal acid pH and promotes its survival.

One pack of Origin Donna contains 6 disposable applicators, hygienic and easy to use.

HOW TO USE: one application into the vagina 5 mins prior to the sexual intercourse, preferably during ovulation.

The most common Infertility Risk Factors
About 15% of couples of fertile age experience infertility problems and in Italy, it is estimated that more than 45.000 new couples each year will have troubles conceiving a child. Infertility recognizes both male (35%) and female (35%) causes. Nevertheless, 20/30 % of cases are affected by an idiopathic infertility (the cause is unknown and not identified). The risk factors are numerous.

Among male factors:

• Sperm anomalies
• Abnormal erections
• Abnormal ejaculation
• Semen abnormalities
• Trauma to the genitalia • Varicocele
• Endocrine diseases

Among female factors:

• Cervical factors: when the mucus in the cervix is hostile to the flow of sperm due to an estrogen deficiency, infectious factors or past surgery which damaged the cervical glands. Cervical infertility can also be due, in rare cases, to the female production of antibodies directed against the sperm.

• Tubal and pelvic inflammatory pathologies and infections. • Hormone disorders
• Reproductive system congenital malformations.

In addition to these factors, others are aging, unhealthy life style, smoking and genetic polymor- phism which can negatively affect the reproductive prognosis of a couple.

Origin Woman contains:

Inositol, Glucose, Fructose, Sodium Hyaluronate, Magnesium Citrate, Calcium Pyruvate, Sorbitol, Lactic Acid, Citric Acid, Potassium Citrate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Zinc Gluconate, Carnitine, Creatine, Sodium Chloride, DMDM Hydantoin, Hydrated Sodium, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose.

The alterations in the quality of the cervical mucus and the conditions of the vaginal pH can negatively affect sperm motility and capacitation. The sperm capacitation represents all the physiological changes spermatozoids endure to be able to fertilize the egg-cell: this happens when, after the ejaculation, spermatozoids reach out the female genital tract. Among the challenges the spermatozoids need to face are reduced production of cervical mucus, reduced receptivity of the cervical mucus, ph abnormalities and sperm anomalies. Origin Woman is a medical device created to help sperm activity, aiming at increasing sperm motility and survival. This can be achieved with:

1) an improvement of the vaginal environment (pH and viscosity)
2) the device works as a barrier for the sperm against the vaginal mucus 3) an improvement of sperm cells physiology.

Each component of Origin Woman has been carefully studied to: – protect the sperm form an acid environment
– promote the sperm survival
– improve motility during migration towards egg-cell

– increase the buffering capacity of the vaginal acid pH and improve motility.



• Semen sample from 30 healthy donors
• Semen tested with and without gel in simulated vaginal environment


• Rectilinear movement increasing and vivacious

• Vivacious movement non-increasing

• Rectilinear motion, slow or non-linear

• No movement

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  4. Efficacy of hyaluronic acid binding assay in selecting motile spermatozoa with normal morphology at high magnification. Petersen CG, Massaro FC, Mauri AL, Oliveira JB, Baruffi RL, Franco JG Jr.Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2010 Dec 3;8:149. doi: 10.1186/1477-7827-8-149
  5. Assessing the predictive value of hyaluronan binding ability for the freezability potential of human sperm. Yogev L, Kleiman SE, Hauser R, Botchan A, Lehavi O, Paz G, Yavetz H.Fertil Steril. 2010 Jan;93(1):154-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2008.09.067. Epub 2008 Nov 19.PMID: 19022424