Pelvidol pregnant


What does it prevent?

All states of pathological uterine hypercontractility in pregnancy

Pelvidol pregnant is useful in all cases of uterine hypercontractility in pregnancy, threat of abortion, threat of premature birth and after invasive prenatal procedures. It can be taken either alone or in combination with muscle relaxant, pain relieving and anti-inflammatory therapies. It is recommended taking 1 sachet per day for a minimum treatment duration of 4 weeks.

Main causes of uterine hypercontractility in pregnancy:

  • Threat of abortion
  • Threat of premature birth
  • Polyhydramnios
  • Gemellar pregnancy
  • Invasive prenatal procedures

PEA 300 mg

Magnesium 241,2 mg

Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), the palmitic acid amide with ethanolamine is an active ingredient that can be found in food such as eggs, peanuts, peas, tomatoes, soy etc, and it is also produced by many cells of our body. It is highly concentrated in the brain tissue and it is synthesized by lipid components of the cellular membranes. Thus, PEA is an endogenous factor which is produced if needed to relieve inflammation and restore damaged tissues functionality. The mechanism of action of palmitoylethanolamide is to suppress a receptor situated in the nucleus of our cells, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-a) which operates a signal transduction to perform a variety of functions related to chronic inflammation and to algogenic transmission in neuropathic and pelvic pain.
Magnesium is an essential mineral, cofactor in over 300 enzymatic reactions. Co-enzymatic action It modulates the tone and contractility of the smooth muscle fibers of the vessel wall interacting with calcium ions; it is a co-modulator of arterial pressure and it is the major determinant of glucose and insulin metabolism. It promotes the transmission of nerve stimuli to the muscles, it eases the assimilation of the vitamins of group B, C and E, moreover it stimulates the vitamin D synthesis and contributes to the solidity of the bones, as well as to the efficiency of the immune system. Administered in the form of salt, magnesium at high doses reduces uterine contractility both interfering with the nervous transmission mechanism and reducing the intracellular calcium concentration, essential for the contraction of smooth muscle fiber. Analgesic action and mood stabilizing A good level of magnesium is important both to relieve menstrual pains and to reduce mood swings and irritability that are typical of premenstrual syndrome. In menopause, reduces heat flushes, decreases the anxious manifestations, prevents the appearance of osteoporosis and arthrosis from loss of mineral salts. Absorbed through the intestine, magnesium regulates its activity, countering symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover, being alkalizing, it rebalances digestion, counteracting acidity and rebalancing the pH of the blood, with a beneficial anti-inflammatory effect.

Pelvidol pregnant is a food supplement based on Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and Magnesium designed to counteract the state of uterine hypercontractility in pregnancy, with specific indication in pathological conditions of threat of abortion and premature birth.
Pelvidol Pregnant contains a high dosage of Magnesium, the supplementation of which helps to counteract neuropsychic disorders (anxiety, anguish, irritability, drop in mood, emotionality, insomnia), neurovegetative somatizations (tachycardia, dyspnoea, extrasystoles, vasoconstriction/ hypertension, pallor, flushing, gastrointestinal symptoms) and neuromuscular manifestations (cramps, paraesthesia, myalgias, physical fatigue, muscular asthenia) and 300 mg of PEA, is a biological modulator that acts as a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory, very well tolerated and without side effects, in able to decrease the perception of pain and reduce cellular stress. Pelvidol pregnant is indicated for the maintenance of uterine quiescence throughout pregnancy, especially in cases of increased risk of pathological uterine contractile activity, such as multiple pregnancies, conditions of uterine overdistension from polyhydramnios and after invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures. (villocentesis, amniocentesis, cordocentesis).

Fig. 1 Neurobiology of chronic pelvic pain. The CPP is due to 3 main mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive: 1. Nociceptive pain: it originates from peripheral damage or inflammation of the tissue of somatic or visceral structures, often due to mechanical causes. 2. Peripheral neuropathic pain: it originates from an intrinsic dysfunction of the PNS, which exacerbates stimuli also of low intensity. 3. Central neuropathic pain: it originates from a direct facilitatory modulation of the incoming nociceptive pathways.
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