Conditions of sale

The individual sellers other than E.Vitalgroup srl are named below

The indicated selling prices are expressed in euro including VAT, without considering shipping costs. The latter are always at the customer’s expense and are invoiced at the time of validation of the order, as additional charge to the selected products. “SELLER” reserves the right to modify prices without notice and to modify shipping prices at his discretion, but he undertakes to apply the prices in force and to explicitly display prices and shipping costs, as indicated on the website, at the time of the order. Any refunds are always carried out by E.Vitalgroup srl through the payment system used to make the purchase, by Paypal, Credit Card, bank transfer both in the case of payment by wire transfer and in the case of cash on delivery. Conditions subject to Decree 206/2005* “In the Irpef deduction of 50% for the purchase of furniture and large appliances (“furniture bonuses”) the expense for the purchase of a television is not included. Wire transfers with application of the withholding tax will not be accepted”.

Shipping Times

What happens to your order just after you have bought on from “SELLER”: Delivery times of the products vary depending on the item ordered by the customer and the delivery methods chosen by the customer. The times indicated for the delivery dates are merely indicative and they are in no way binding for “SELLER”. By using the overnight courier transport, the delivery is provided for in a time ranging from 1/5 working days after the time of order. In any case, the estimated delivery times are explicitly indicated in the data sheet of the individual product. For the products of which the data sheet shows 24/48 hours delivery indications, the following indications are valid:

A) Day 0 (reception of the order)
the back office fulfils the orders no later than 13 AM; otherwise they are fulfilled on the following day. The same applies to orders received on Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday: they will be processed on the first working day following that of the order itself. The order is processed according to the chosen payment method, and in particular:

– if the chosen payment method is PAYPAL or CASH ON DELIVERY the order is fulfilled on the same day;

– if the chosen payment method is BANK TRANSFER, the order will be fulfilled when the credit is displayed on the bank account of the Company E.Vitalgroup srl ;

– if the chosen payment method is CREDIT CARD, the order will be fulfilled after 24 hours. The order is sent to our warehouses by 18.00;

B) Day 1 (Freight Forwarder)
On the day after the order, the Freight Forwarder collects the goods by 6.00 pm at our stores. The courier will be provided with the Shipping Invoice containing the place of destination and any notes included in the order. At the same time as the collection of the product, an e-mail containing the shipping number will be sent to the customer; this will allow the customer to follow the delivery status and estimated times in real time on the website of the Freight Forwarder.

C) Day 2 (delivery of goods)
The product will be delivered to the address indicated at the time of confirmation of the order.

Delivery methods

1)Standard Delivery:
delivery takes place within 5 working days of the date of entrustment to the Courier.
In detail: We deliver up to 72 hours from when we entrust the goods to the courier. Throughout Italy, including islands, the cost of shipping is indicated at the time of ordering. Moreover, the timing described above for the Islands could be modified depending on unforeseeable elements: for example, adverse weather conditions etc.

2) Delivery by appointment:
In detail:
This option allows the customer to be contacted by the courier at the phone number that he will indicate in order to be able to agree on the day and the most convenient time slot for the delivery.

3) Delivery to a specified floor:
In detail: This option allows the customer to receive the ordered products at the desired floor.
Cost of Transport:
the cost of transport is determined by the Courier and it depends on the weight and / or volume of the package (s) that the customer has purchased. As described above there are accessory services (extra) such as delivery by appointment and delivery to a specified floor.

The invoice

The invoice must be requested when you order and it is inserted at the time of shipment into a transparent envelope that is applied to the outside of the package. The customer can, however, request a copy by sending an email to The invoice must be kept in a safe place, since it represents the valid document for the product warranty. The invoice of the purchased good is issued by “SELLER”.


Customers will have as their sole point of contact for any complaint or for any related problems both in the order phase and in the post-sales phase E.Vitalgroup srl, the same is provided with all the tools to manage both through Call Center and through messaging systems 24/24 active to analyse the problems and find a solution to the problems of the individual customer. Any refunds are carried out by E.Vitalgroup srl through the payment system used to make the purchase, by Paypal, Credit Card, bank transfer both in the payment by bank transfer and in the case of cash on delivery. The refund will be carried out no later than 10 working days.

Fulfillment of Orders

E.Vitalgroup srl, in order to guarantee a correct service to its Customers, guarantees the reception and acceptance of the purchase orders up to 17.00 from Monday to Friday;

the orders received after this time, as well as those received on Saturday, Sunday or other public holiday, will be considered as received by the first working day after the day of the order itself. Any reduction in working hours and / or interruptions of sales services in particular periods of the year (eg summer months) that could result in a lengthening of the delivery times will be adequately highlighted at the time of ordering, and the Customer at his discretion will proceed or not to confirm the order according to the times indicated. At the time of delivery of the goods the customer is obliged to check:

– that the number of the delivered packages corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document
– that the packaging is intact and not altered even in the closing strips

In the event of tampering and / or breakage, the Customer must immediately challenge the shipment and / or delivery by affixing the writing “RESERVE FOR DAMAGED PACKAGING” on the copy of the delivery document to be returned signed to the courier or to another operator.

The Customer is obliged to point out any damage within 7 (seven) days after the reception of the goods, by registered mail or by e-mail to the following addresses:
telephone: 081 5443305

For each order the Customer is obliged to specify at least one telephone number to allow the courier to contact him in case of problems in the delivery; if the delivery is not successful due to causes not attributable to E.Vitalgroup srl, or to the courier for more than 5 consecutive days, the order is considered canceled and the customer will be charged the costs of keeping as quantified by the overnight courier.


All products sold by “SELLER” are covered by the manufacturer’s standard warranty and by the 24-month warranty for any lack of conformity, pursuant to LDecree 24/2002. To use the warranty service, the Customer must keep the invoice (or the transport document) that he will receive by e-mail in PDF format. The manufacturer’s standard warranty is provided according to the modalities described in the documentation included in the product’s packaging. It is specified that the 24-month warranty is reserved for the private consumer (natural person who purchases goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, or who makes a purchase without indicating a VAT number in the order form). If, following an intervention by an Authorized Service Center, the defect is not covered by the manufacturer’s standard warranty, the Customer will be charged for any verification and restoration costs requested by the Authorized service, as well as transport costs, if incurred by “SELLER”.
It is specified that “SELLER” can not be held responsible in any case for the activities of technical service centers on products: any delays in restorations and / or any replacement, and / or non-recognition by the authorized technical service center of the operating defect, as well as provided by the LD n. 24/2002, and / or any other hypothesis considered prejudicial to the Customer, are exclusively attributable to the policies of the Producers.
In cases where the implementation of the warranties provides for the return of the product, the item must be returned by the customer in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packing material and any documentation and accessory equipment, intact consumable, manuals, cables, etc…); in order to limit damages to the original packaging, we recommend, when possible, to put it in a second box; in all cases, the affixing of labels or adhesive tapes directly onto the original packaging of the product should be avoided. We will return to the sender at his own expense, all shipments of products:

– Not including original packaging, accessories and manuals

– Received with unsuitable or inadequate external packaging and therefore damaged during transport: the Warranty does not cover damages due to the non-use of original packaging and adequate external protective packing material not authorized by the service center.

From the warranty repair on Hard Disks or various storage devices the possible saving of data owned by the Customer or uninstallation of Softwares is excluded. “SELLER” will not be responsible for the loss of data on the product being serviced.
Conventionally, any right of the Customer to claim for damages or compensation as well as any contractual or non-contractual liability for direct or indirect property damage and / or injuries to people is excluded.

Transport insurance

At the time of receiving the package, it is necessary to check that the packaging of the courier is intact and not cut and / or tampered with. Otherwise, it is likely that the package was opened during shipment and that the contents have been stolen.

If you accept a tampered package, there is no possibility of making a complaint.

So we repeat: before accepting the package, it is necessary to check the wholeness of the package itself.
In case of suspected tampering or missing package, it is possible to accept the goods with specific reserve (state the reason). The customer is obliged to point out any damage within 7 days of receipt of goods. We inform you that according to the LGSD 22/5/1999 n. 185, the goods travel at the risk of the recipient, the E.Vitalgroup srl, and “SELLER” are not liable for any theft or damage.

We quote for completeness of information an extract of the decree that regulates this topic:
EXTRACT OF THE LGSD 22/5/1999 n. 185 ON DISTANCE CONCLUDED AGREEMENTS “Commercial trade transactions are governed by the present sales conditions according to the current Italian legislation.The Supplier delivers to the Customer with selected couriers and the goods travel carriage free with the costs and risks of transport entirely at the expense of the Customer himself. These expenses and other charges related to the transport and / or shipping of the products are counted and detailed in the order confirmation and in the purchase invoice. At the time of reception of the goods at his domicile the customer must verify the wholeness of the packages. In case of discrepancies and / or inconsistency it will be the Customer’s responsibility to refuse the package under penalty of forfeiture to assert his rights in regards to this.”

Right of withdrawal

“SELLER” recognises the right of withdrawal:
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/2005, if the customer is a consumer (ie a natural person who purchases goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, or who does not make the purchase by indicating in the order form to E.Vitalgroup srl a reference to VAT number), he is entitled to withdraw from the purchase agreement for any reason, without the need to provide explanations and without any penalty. The product must be returned in compliance with the re-saleability (intact, never put in operation and complete with the original packaging and all the original accessories of the product).
The Customer is obliged to give notice within 14 working days after the date of delivery of the goods, by e-mail or registered mail to the following addresses:
At the time of receiving the registered letter we will provide you with the exact return address of the product.
The goods returned without authorization will be automatically rejected.

– The product must be returned by the Customer in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packing material and any documentation and accessory equipment, intact consumables, manuals, cables, etc …); to limit damage to the original packaging, we recommend, when possible, to put it in a second box; in all cases, the affixing of labels or adhesive tapes directly onto the original packaging of the product should be avoided.

– The product must be returned within the times and in the modalities described above to the address indicated by E.Vitalgroup srl.

– The delivery costs are always charged to customer
E.Vitalgroup srl reserves the control over the returned goods to evaluate any damages or tampering not caused by transport.

The reimbursement concerns all the sums paid for the price of the product, excluding transport costs and bank costs incurred by the Customer, and it will be made no later than 14 days after the reception of the notice of withdrawal order, exclusively by bank transfer. In the event that the user opts for the replacement of the product, the costs of sending the new product will be at his expense.

Applicable law

The sales agreement between the Customer and “SELLER” is deemed to be concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the solution of civil and criminal disputes arising from the conclusion of this distance sales agreement, the territorial jurisdiction is exclusively that of the Court of Napoli.

Sales agreement

“SELLER” accepts orders with delivery to be carried out exclusively in Italy.
“SELLER” will issue an invoice, attaching it to the product intended for delivery.
“SELLER” inserts only data provided by the customer in the invoice indicated above, stating that no variation will be allowed after the invoice has been issued.

The customer can only purchase the products, as per the electronic catalogue on the site existing at the time of sending the order. The E.Vitalgroup srl, in this regard, communicates that the images and technical data, none excluded and / or excepted, accompanying the data sheet of the product shown must not be considered by the customer complete and thorough of the characteristics but, therefore, they may be different for dimensions, colour and accessories or other.
For everything that has been communicated and accepted by the customer until now, no responsibility can be attributed, for various reasons and / or on different grounds, to E.Vitalgroup srl.

The correct reception of the order is confirmed by E.Vitalgroup srl by reply via email, sent exclusively to the email address provided by the customer. This confirmation message will propose again all the data entered by the customer who undertakes to verify their accuracy and to communicate, no later than 2 following days, any correction. Only at a later time E.Vitalgroup srl, once verified the actual availability of the item and the accuracy of the customer’s data, will send by e-mail the final acceptance of the agreement, which only from this moment on must be deemed to be concluded and drawn up between the parties for all legal purposes.
By placing the order on the site the customer declares to have viewed the conditions of sale, the proposed payment methods as well as the entire purchase procedure and he declares, also, to accept them without any reservation and to have received exhaustive information about them. Furthermore, with express reference to the articles 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 185/89, the customer will receive, by e-mail, all the necessary information for the identification of the seller that the customer is obliged, at his expense, to keep together with the e-mail of acceptance of the agreement.
In the event that the customer should, for legitimate reasons, return the purchased products, he will have to provide for shipping under the terms established and exclusively at the registered office of E.Vitalgroup srl.


Personal data required when placing the order are collected and processed in order to meet the express requests of the customer and they will not be under any circumstances and for any reason transferred to third parties.
E.Vitalgroup srl, guarantees its customers compliance with the law on the processing of personal data, regulated by the privacy code pursuant to Legislative Decree 196 of 30.06.03